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Emanuella Amichai is a director and choreographer living and working in Tel Aviv. Her stage work combines performance, dance and visual art, working with performers and none performers in her projects.

Her recent stage works "The Neighbors Grief Is Greener" (2013) and "LyzistrataX" (2015) have been chosen by the European quality label Move Award for outstanding visual performance.

She is currently teaching acting, dance theatre and performance art at the theatre studies Department in the Hebrew University, Jerusalem and in the dance department at "hakibutzim" college,and is delivering independent workshops on performance, acting, and movement. 

Graduated the multidisciplinary arts program at the Tel Aviv University, and currently studying her Masters degree in Folklore and Gender studies, at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Emanuella was a member of the fringe committee and Head Artistic Producer for the Maabada theater in Jerusalem, where she initiated various events.

Her art works have been commissioned and granted by dance and theatre institutions such as the BI Arts UK Foundation, the Israeli Culture Institute, the Rabinovich Foundation, the Jerusalem Culture Season, and the Israel Festival among others and have been presented in Israel and abroad.

Video works

" –video-dance, 2005.

"Love poem" -poetry video, 2006.

"Fade out"- short documentary, 2007.

"Christmas in Huntsville” -poetry video, 2010 -part of an international workshop program held in Berlin.2010.

"28 meditations on strong tea" - poetry video dance, part of "Cinepoem -Tel aviv London- poetry on video”,2013.


Film & Video Festivals:


- International video dance tel aviv-Interior bar

- International video festival-"giguk" -Hungary

- Dmj international videodance festival -Japan

- Jerusalem International festival for film.

- Jerusalem in Cinema –"Bait Avichai-Jerusalem

- “zebra “film festival “poetic encounters” created    as guest artist in the zebra poetry film workshop

- Tag der deutschen Literatur,Helsinki,Finland

- “cuisle Limerick” international poetry video          festival, Limerick Ireland

- "deutsch - israelische Literaturtage festival"-      Berlin

- “Berlin Tel aviv” –video art.

- “Sea Book”   Festival-Ireland.




Prizes, awards, grants:


The America-Israel arts foundation scholarship- 2004, 2010

The experimental film fund- 2007

Best choreography “the neighbors grass is greener”-  Acco national festival, Israel, 2011

Best ensemble actors-“the neighbors grass is greener”-Valise festival Poland, 2011

Best costume design “the neighbors grass is greener”- Acco national festival, Israel, 2011

BI-Arts- British- Israel foundation for arts - scholarship for curating and creating the "cinepoem project" poetry videos London 2012.

The Jerusalem culture season- "the day they buried Martin Boober", 2012.

Best visual theater award “the neighbors grass is greener”- "move award" Belgium, 2013.

Best visual theater award "LyzistrataX"- move award Belgium,2014.




2011- Currently- the Hebrew university, Jerusalem- performance and visual theater artists lecturer and workshop conductor.

2012- The "Goodman acting school" -Beer sheva, directing and physical theater acting teacher.

2011- The “Nisan Nativ” acting school-director and visual theater teacher.

2011- The Jerusalem collage-performance teacher.

2005- Founder and teacher “from scratch” theater workshop, Jerusalem.


Artistic manager


2010-head of dance department– “Matan” gifted young artists

2008-2010-artistic producing manager –theater and dance department –“the lab” Jerusalem.



2019- folklore and Gender studies - Hebrew University in Jerusalem

2004 - 2007- bachelor of multidisciplinary arts program majoring film and theater, Tel-Aviv University.

2002 - 2004- Nisan Nativ acting school, Tel Aviv.

2008-2009- performance studies –“209 space” center for performance studies, Tel Aviv.

2000-2002- Stella Adler school- NYC.    

Theater\performance works:

"Behind all this there is great happiness"- dance poetry solo project” - director, choreographer and dancer. 2005

"The neighbor’s grief is greener" -visual performance, writer, director and choreographer, 2010


"The day they buried Martin Bobber” - visual radio play reading – adaptation, director, -Jerusalem culture season 2012


"Losing Its Meaning" - visual performance - writer, director, choreographer, 2013


"Thou shalt write"-literature stage performance- dramaturg,director,2014


"lyzstraX"-multimedia visual performance inspired by Aristophanes's lyzistrata- concept, writer, director, choreographer ,2014/2015 .

"Yehuda Amichai Neighborhood" -site specific Performance, Israel Festival 2019.

It could be a man standing in snow"-stage project "Na Lagaat" theatre,Jaffa.




Theatre / Festivals:


2005- Einav center for arts –Tel Aviv.

2010- “The red shell international visual theater, klipa theatre, Tel-aviv.

2011-“Panphis” international physical theater, Macedonia.

2011-“Theater des Lachen”- international theater festival, Germany.

2011- Acco national fringe theater festival, Israel.

2012- Olstzyn- international theater festival, Poland.

2012-crossroads festival visual theatre festival , Antwerp ,Belgium.

2012- a regular at the “Tmuna” Israel’s fringe center theater –performing twice a month.

2012- Jerusalem culture season festival, Jerusalem.

2013- Stoff- main Fringe theater festival, Stockholm, Sweden.

2013- Waves- international theater festival, Denmark.

2013- Cos- international theater festival, Spain.

2014- itfok- international visual theater festival, India

2015- the Israel festival,Jerusalem,Israel.

2018- Singapore M1 festival.

2019- The israel Festival

A deep thank you to all supporters and sponsors:

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